
Showing posts from July, 2007

Push the Tempo

F**K the life!, some one yield that word at the phone box. her eyes flood, and her face red. i can only stare at my seat and enjoying a cup of coffee with a well mix. what her problem exactly. why that emotion is so explode and why in a phone box. i have read a book says that interaction have two element the first one is two or more ways communication and the second is exchange information between. but this happen shock me that and prove the theory that not and interaction can explode emotion, but an information can also exploded some one feel. my white man friend. live in a poor life. survive in a city and hoping some one pity. but not that the point he answer my question. the point is how we use some one feel to survive our live. many leader in history have conquer her own feel and conquer the world. this is da point. many people have a different in way of think. i prefer my self to read a book, altought this is bad interaction, in the meaning of one way communication. push da tempo...

what the motif??

if some one attractive to other what is the motif ? r love can be the motif. a bit more confusing problem here. the reality, that happen in our live, our move, our desire, our mind, is constructed by motif. and what is motif realy are? motif is an impuls that push us to do something so if a motif related to impuls, r love either an impuls? r u have been fallen in love with some one. what impuls we use too. desire?, passion?, conquer?, politics?, still confiuse to explain because im never feel a love before. to some one, to some thing. some people talk that he have fallin love with god. i think that isnt a love, but a need to a power out side of our body that mighty and nothing else can defeated. every one have a god, depends of what mighty power he or she need. my friend always say there is two god, the big one and the small one. one the mighty god and the second is money. im still not understand why but the reality r. in the stream of conciusness i always say "never hope, even ...