Oke I will Give you My Entre Credit and One Ad Spot for a Month

so seeing every body make a contest at last I will made my own contest. cause you all know this is travel blog so the contest is about tourism and travel. what would you do to join the contest? it's so easy to join the contest. what you have to do is commenting on this post and your name will in to my list

The Participant of Multidimension Contest :
1. Mia - posted I Love Travel
2. Collin posted ?
3. Fool posted ?
4. JLPRO posted ?
5. Brett Mindrec Robertson posted Strawberry Festival
6. Sherry posted Not just shopping but travel too
7. Chodirin posted ?
8. Suspect posted ?
9. Put your name here by comenting on this post!

and the second condition is you must post about the tourism or travel place in you town or city and put my link on that post.. if your link to this blog is free of no follow tag so as a gift I'll add you to my blogroll. thats all! oh yeaa for each participant I also give you 100 ec.

oke the price is
1. 1000 EC plus 1 month ad spot 125x125
2. 750 EC plus 2 weeks ad spot 125x125
3 500 EC plus 1 weeks ad spot 125x125

are you interested so start commenting and make your post right now !


  1. hi, I am Mia I like to take part.

  2. http://heyjustblog.blogspot.com/2008/06/i-love-travel.html

    my entry, I am Mia.

  3. thanks mia.. your in the contest. your in the blog roll and you got your hundred ec. keep the spirit to blog

  4. Count me in Pandi

  5. thanks for joining Collin you get your 100 and you about half way in the contest... wait for your post :D

  6. Good luck with your first contest!

  7. I posted here:


    And linked your blog there.

    When you go there, you can link from my Entrecard widget on that page.

  8. http://sherryshopping.blogspot.com/2008/06/not-just-shopping-but-travel-too.html

    check if you find this entry okay. let me know.

  9. @ Fool, JLPRO

    your half a way... thanks I'm Wait for your post ;) you get your 100

    @Brett Mindrec Robertson

    thanks for joining, hope you join that strawberry festival, it could be fun. oke your in, your get your hundred, and you are in my blogroll keep da spirit.

    nice try Sherry you are in, you in my blog roll and you get your hundred, keep the spirit to shop, oops! i mean Blog. :lol:

  10. count me. thanks.

  11. thanks for joining you got your hundred and wait for your post ;)

  12. I'm in! i'll join. thanks

  13. you are in and you got your hundred, wait for your post ;)


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