in the past we believe, why not in the future, hope for it
Pushing Me out to change the template
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Mutidimension Travel Blog - The Photo Bucket bandwidth limit at last pushing me down to change my Travel Blog template and walla I found out this template and install it.
so this is the new template.. feed back is welcome ^^
so seeing every body make a contest at last I will made my own contest. cause you all know this is travel blog so the contest is about tourism and travel. what would you do to join the contest? it's so easy to join the contest. what you have to do is commenting on this post and your name will in to my list The Participant of Multidimension Contest : 1. Mia - posted I Love Travel 2. Collin posted ? 3. Fool posted ? 4. JLPRO posted ? 5. Brett Mindrec Robertson posted Strawberry Festival 6. Sherry posted Not just shopping but travel too 7. Chodirin posted ? 8. Suspect posted ? 9. Put your name here by comenting on this post! and the second condition is you must post about the tourism or travel place in you town or city and put my link on that post.. if your link to this blog is free of no follow tag so as a gift I'll add you to my blogroll. thats all! oh yeaa for each participant I also give you 100 ec. oke the price is 1. 1000 EC plus 1 month ad spot 125x125 2. 750 EC plu...
what would you do if you in the Garden full of fruit. and you can free your self to grab the fruit from the tree. This is happening on Mekarsari Fruit Garden. this garden you can find it in Jl. Raya Cileungsi - Jonggol Km.03, Bogor, Indonesia. There 10 kinds of top unique tree and plants in this garden and the top ten is Beringin/Banyan tree (Ficus benjamina), Lamtoro Gung / Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala), Sirsak/ Soursop (Annona muricata), Nangka/ Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), Jati/ Teak (Tectona grandis), Kelapa Sawit/ Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis), Bambu/ Bamboo (Gigantochloa spp.), Pepaya/ Papaya (Carica papaya), Pala / Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) so if you want joy the tree that made for consumption you can come by here at Taman sari the garden of fruit. that called in native tongue language is Taman Buah Mekarsari pic source :
first nothing else, congratulation for the official tourism site of Indonesia. my-indonesia dot info . even this site worth lot of money . the only hope for me as a newbie blogger is be serious man! are those the best u can do? little shock at me while I'm reading Brokencode post on his blog this morning, feel a deep curious, I start to dig from the link that had been made from that Brokencode post. seems all un-logic, irrational, for that kind of web. especially when i read a review by ray in his blog about that site. damn! so tragic and pathetic. how much time wasted, walk trough 2002 and now 2007, 2008 i guess xixixixi. if ray check the content maybe a little sneaking to see back link of this site, upload time, and SEO using free websites tool like iweb tool last page rank check (04.25 AM) at December 12, 2007 is 3 (not bad) Loading speed (04.30 AM) Back Link at (04.33 AM) : 371 Back link for the SEO Check I think Maybe Baladika can give the result this post never me...
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