Well Done, Entrecard start to wake up!

Multidimension Travel Blog - Recent I've just visit the entrecard blog and see something interesting. There is some good news for entrecarders and also a bad news. the good news is there a black jack table on entrecard now, and until March, 31 2010 entrecard user can sell their credit to another user.

The bad news is after March, 31 2010 each entrecard user can only have 100K Ec on their account. so, if you have more than 100K Ec in your account now better to spend it out quickly before the date.

To celebrate the awake this Travel Blog is serve 4 ads spot with 125x125 dimension for only 1000 Ec. yes I know is only six day left before the end of march. but if you buy it before March 31 is all yours for one Month.

I will also sell text links ads in my pr2  personal blog (Pandi - Bahasa 70% English 30%) for only 1000 Ec (limited to 5 tla). this offer only available on March 2010

Are YOU Interested ?

make a comment down the post, contact me in my entrecard mailbox or in my gmail account : pandimerdeka [at] gmail [dot] com and if you don't have an entrecard account but you have an English blog just sign up first is 100% free


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