Monas The Heart of Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago country that means that many island in it. at the year of 1945 jakarta become the capital city of Indonesia and have a monument called monas. National Monument placed on Monas field, Central Jakarta, was build at 1960 dekade.

The National Monument build di 80 acre land. and designed by Soedarsono and Frederich Silaban, with Ir. Rooseno as a consultant, start at August 1959, and launch at 17 Agustus 1961 by President of Indonesian Republic Soekarno. officially opened at 12 Juli 1975.

This monument dedicated for the struggle of Indonesian people at independent revolution in 1945, so the next generetion will knew about their past.

The national monument high and symbolized lingga that have full dimension of Indonesian culture. and all the background symbolized Yoni. tools that entire local villager have.

the other nama for monas is Lapangan Gambir, Lapangan Ikada, Lapangan Merdeka, Lapangan Monas, dan Taman Monas. around this monument is park, two pools and sport facilities where the people hang out in holidays.


  1. Terakhir bulan lalu ke Monas, ternyata ga seboring yang saya pikir. Bahkan sangat menyenangkan di sore harinya..banyak angin untuk main layangan! :D. tidak terasa dari siang-menjelang magrib berada disana. tapi sayang, melewatkan session air mancur yg baru mulai stlh magrib-jam 7an sabtu itu.


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