Follow the bridge along Bingkarai Hill's

Bangkirai Hill's is one of conservation forest on east Borneo, persist right on the highway between Balikpapan - Samarinda.

This Territory also as Bear conservation that being mascot of Balikpapan City. In this Bangkirai Hill's there a Tourism object like a tower from a big three and there a bridge between them. This Tower was made to see the hot spot caused by the fire, and now this place become Tourism Place, beside of that this can be used to track down all the forest.

That Tower's made from Bingkarai root, that why this forest called Bingkarai Hill's. Majority three that live in this hill's is Bingkarai Three. that bridge also called canopy bridge with 20-30 meter high from the ground, and the three tall is 50 meter high. cause this place far from the nearest street there also homestay so the tourist can enjoy the nature as long as they want to see the original ecosistem of the honey bear.

for reach this place you better use a healthy vehicle cause the street to this place so rocky, and don't forget your mosquito lotion and your shoe's.


  1. This place is nice! And nice to meet you too!

  2. thanks for the comment, nice to know you here too.. :D

  3. That looks like an awesome place!


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