Lebaran, ketupat and chiken opor

travel spot adMultidimension Travel Blog - In Indonesia it is the time for lebaran time. even this event is special for moslem but all tribe and religion in Indonesia joy and feel the happiness. this seems to an culture and time where people hang out with their families in their hometown.

in this special event commonly there always a food called ketupat and chicken opor, this food is like chicken curry and rice salad. often this food is served with rendang, is also like a meat curry but more spicy.

even this food is only have a famous in the big days but the spice is nice to take when ever there is a special event. try out the curry and if you like and curious about the recipee just comment and i will translate to English.

have a nice week end


  1. My Parents' friends sent us ketupat, chicken opor, rendang, ketupat sayur, etc on Lebaran Eve and on Lebaran day :))
    We don't celebrate Eid al-Fitri as a religious event, but we always enjoy the moment.
    Still these days is Lebaran day, so Happy Eid al Fitr to you.

  2. thanks ... and happy eid for you to...yeah the chicken opor is always be the best meal of the day


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